April 5, 2025
From 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Vinewood Community Church
1900 West Vine Street
Lodi, CA 95242
Tickets are $40 (includes lunch)
Raffle Baskets - Silent Auction - Cash Prizes - Fun
To purchase tickets, click the box below.
AAUW Mission Statement
AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy, and research
AAUW Lodi 2024-2025 Theme
Empowering Voices: The Power of Women’s Narratives
Narratives hold a significance beyond mere words; they serve as transformative instruments of empowerment. For women, sharing stories is not just about voicing our journeys and viewpoints, but about sparking change and inspiring others.
State and National Affiliations:
AAUW California and
To ensure that the overall mission and goals of AAUW are at the forefront of all we do and promote within the community.
To engage all members in supporting equity for women and girls in all walks of life.
To continue to grow in membership, involving all members in increasing diversity.
To provide a wide range of goal-oriented programs for members as well as the public.
To improve communication within the community and branch through website, Facebook, and print media.
To provide scholarships and financial assistance for women and girls.
The AAUW Lodi branch was chartered in 1959 and incorporated in 1962. Charter members devoted many months to organization under the direction of the first president, Beth Haden.
The national association was founded in 1881. There is AAUW activity at the local, state, and national levels. The purpose of AAUW includes continuing education for its members; advancement of women and girls; and service to the community. AAUW administers the oldest and largest non-university program of graduate fellowships for women in the U.S.
California AAUW was organized in 1921 and has over 180 active branches. Due to its membership size, the state of California is one of the ten national regions in AAUW. California AAUW is sub-divided into eight districts. The San Joaquin District reaches from Lodi to Amador, south to the Tehachapi Mountains, and from the coast range to the Nevada border.
The Lodi Branch fundraising contributes to the Education Foundation (EF) and Legal Advocacy Fund (LAF). Each year the branch also provides scholarships for middle school girls to attend science and technology Tech Trek camp at CSU Fresno. AAUW activities include monthly meetings, special interest groups, and fundraising activities. The branch participates in community projects and provides annual monetary awards to local high school females.
The Lodi Branch was responsible for the establishment of: Family Life Education program in Lodi public schools, the Friends of the Lodi Library, and the Lodi office of the Women’s Center of San Joaquin County, which was funded in part through a grant awarded by the Educational Foundation of AAUW.
AAUW is open to all persons who hold associate or baccalaureate degrees from accredited colleges or universities and to graduates of foreign institutions recognized by the International Federation of University Women.